CAD/CAM Design

Prime Dental Implant Tech. extensively leverages CAD/CAM (Computer-aided design / computer-aided manufacturing, respectively) to facilitate our dental work. CAD/CAM design profoundly minimizes room for error and helps shave turnaround times. Your new dental work will be imperceptible to the layperson and provide you with a robust and powerful bite that will last for years, or even decades with proper maintenance. 

3D Scanning + STL Upload*

Doctors that use modern three-dimensional scanners can simply forward STL files* to us in a matter of minutes, saving time for all stakeholders. Scanners can precisely capture the mouth's profile and idiosyncrasies which enables us to construct even more accurate bridges, implants and other restorative dental work. 

*STL files may be sent to our email (


“Computer-aided design and modelling profoundly helps us minimize errors. This helps all stakeholders including doctors, patients and our lab. At Prime Dental Implant Tech., we embrace next-generation technology on all implant related cases.”

— Daniel Lee, CDT MDT




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